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Shukk Episode 10 On Ary Digital

Shukk Episode 10 Pakistani Online Drama Ary Digital
Ary digital’s show series shukk is about Mistrust as well as jealousy could be the biggest partnership killers. drama serial “shukk” fosters the same philosophy. the particular story covers 3 vital figures; sherish, ehtisham as well as sania. sehrish as well as ehtisham as being a happily wedded few have constantly held his or her relation exempt from all type of deceit as well as dubiety, despite currently being deprived of  respective child. but sadly an family pet encounter for the couple with sania, who was once included to ehtisham but has become married to assist ali, infused a top-notch level of conflict as well as distrust of their relation. this suspicion not just ruins dwelling of sehrish as well as ehtisham but in addition spoiled the particular bond of love as well as affection between sania as well as ali, forcing sania to deal with isolation.
Writer: Sameera Fazal
Director: Yasir Nawaz
Cast:Jibran,Badar Khalil,Sanam Saeed,Ayesha Khan,Adeel Hussain,Shamim Hilali and many others

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