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Kitni Girhain Baqi Hain 11st October 2013

Kitni Girhain Baqi Hain  -Bulawa 11st October 2013 Pakistani Urdu Desi Drama Series By Hum TV
It is based on real life and stories.Kitni Girhain Baqi Hain about Nuzhat who sends sms as a joke and gets an amazing response from people just about her, where she be trained how alike the mind set of an cultured person can be to a total ignorant.Shama left alone and in her seclusion she fins a young man on the phone and gets his friendship.This drama is also about young girl kiran .Kiran gets raped by her brother in law.It is a sotry of women’s life that many face uncaring behavior of the society .It also creates hope and awareness among women
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